01 April, 2008

Possible Delays

Hello, All...

First, let me thank everyone for their notes about the Channel 12 piece. I greatly appreciate the continued support and encouragement - it means a great deal to me.

Unfortunately, I may run into some delays with getting the film finished. My father, Rick, had lung cancer just about a year and a half ago. He had a procedure done called a Tumor Ablation at that time and the tumor was thought to be gone as a result. Sadly, we found out yesterday that it is now growing again. We don't know what he is up against with treatment this time, or if he can even have treatments because of his diminished lung capacity. At any rate, this may cause delays in being able to get the film done.

I will try to keep posting to warn of any delays, but I do plan to try to keep busy with this project. It will help in the horrible waiting process when dealing with a family member with cancer.

Thanks again to all for your continued support.

Be well & stay safe, everyone.


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