20 April, 2008

Grampa Hexed Me

Okay, maybe that's not true. I spent several hours on Friday and Saturday shooting exterior shots of all 14 PFD stations, then went to shoot my opening monologue on Saturday afternoon. (Thanks, Michael Morse, for babysitting my camera for a little bit!) Well, that's when I discovered that my camera isn't feeling so well. The sound was all messed up and the pictures were playing back all pixelated. Great...


Now it's a quest for head cleaning tapes in hopes of correcting the problem. Either that or it's my big sister to the rescue with her camera.

Gotta love it. Stay tuned, kids.

1 comment:

Grandma Muggle said...

I had a talk with Daddy Erin.

Told him to be a good guy and to let you do the story on his brothers and sisters with no further problems.

Unfortunately I can no longer bribe him with brownies but I did tell him that I'd brush off his headstone more often if he complied. Not much of a threat since I pretty much do that already but it was the first thing which came to mind! Maybe more bright shiny pennies? LOL.

Take a deep breath and forge ahead. Persistence wins the game.

I'm proud of yah Kid.
Love, Mom.