17 April, 2010


I am very happy and relieved to announce that I completed the video capture today. All 22 tapes have now been transferred to the hard drive, so I can begin editing. Now it's just a matter of getting my schedule to mesh with Jon's. Might be tough, but we'll get it done.

I have one tape that was shot on an older camera and I'll need to do some figuring out to get it transferred, but we'll get that done, too.

That just cut $10K from post-production costs, which makes me feel a LOT better about our situation.

During editing, I'll tweak the script and get a final draft of that done. Once we have a rough cut, we can get the voice-over recorded, then back to editing to synch them up.

I refuse to say when I think this will be done. I don't want to jinx myself! LOL

Thanks to all for the unwavering support - and especially to all of the firefighters that endured me hanging around with a video camera and filming their every move. I know it wasn't easy and in some cases it was downright scary, but I hope that when you see the finished product, you'll be as proud as I am.

Be well & stay safe, everyone.



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